Housebound in a sentence as an adjective

Not to mention, 9 years of torture and misery with the last 2-3 more or less being a housebound invalid.

I believe there was a study that most dogs are mentally ill, probably from being housebound for so long.

He's pretty much housebound at the moment with underlying health conditions, so I figured it couldn't hurt and might help.

And I’ve been working on guitar, ukulele, and mandolin over this time of housebound-ness.

But it's exactly the right time for people to write rambling nonsense while housebound and trying to distract themselves from a global crisis.

"But it's exactly the right time for people to write rambling nonsense while housebound and trying to distract themselves from a global crisis."ha.

That you can be a housebound lonely widow and be able to share your needlework tips with somebody an ocean away.

"Hacker who was housebound with mono for a year and worked for the NSA as a cyber-sniper-scout," is more difficult to dismiss.

Many suburbs are large enough that it might be easy for a wife to become practically housebound without access to a car.

I couldn't work anymore, function like a normal human or take care of myself, basically I ended up housebound and bedridden.

Even people who normally work from home are writing about being less productive than usual right now. This is not a good way to assess "working from home" vs "working in the office", any more than it would be to measure productivity of someone who was suddenly housebound with a broken leg.

Eldercare givers are often housebound for years, because something as simple as going to the grocery store or the pharmacy becomes an ordeal, especially if the parent in question is suffering from Alzheimer's or the like.

Housebound definitions


confined usually by illness

See also: homebound shut-in