Hotness in a sentence as a noun

You are the old and busted status quo that the new hotness will usurp one day.

I don't waste my time on "the next hotness" just to watch it tank in obscurity three months later.

That's true, they open sourced the new-hotness compiler that they're moving to.

Development on these systems never stops, which is why it's often easier to just drop off the old and buy the new hotness.

The new page is sorted by date ignoring hotness, and if something has a negative score it's not going to show up on the front/hot page anyway.

Tl/dr Rails is not the new hotness anymore, the Rails 3 rewrite was a waste of time and it's strayed far from its initial ease of use. Node & Coffeescript, the new hotness, are awesome, here's my new video series, the first one's free.

The hotness of a brand is transient, and in reality, only a handful number of brands inspires users and developers.

But those are usually years behind and developers generally want the new hotness so you end up installing newer versions elsewhere.

Hotness definitions


the presence of heat

See also: heat


a state of sexual arousal

See also: horniness


a hot spiciness

See also: pepperiness