Horny in a sentence as an adjective

If that is worth millions hire me. I am UX-horny and I know how to click buttons and watch pretty graphs.

Being constantly shown as a primitive horny neanderthal with no self control makes all men look bad.

There's an even cheaper way - host a porn gallery, and require a captcha to access it. Present the captcha you're trying to solve to the horny user.

Most of the attendees are horny losers who wish they could come up with talks like "hacking gender" and "cable modem hacking".

Funding this because you're horny is disrespectful to everyone.

Dear UK government: You are putting your technological expertise against a horde bored, horny 14 year old kids.

It's a natural language parsing engine; it understands "horny" as sex, and pulled up related Yelp listings.

There are horny men in every sector/industry but yes it is much noticeable in the IT and gaming sector.

If the ability to use ssh stands between horny teenage boys and lots of pictures of naked ladies, the boys will be profficient in ssh in no time.

"Hi I'm little Ruby and I wear polka-dots and pink lipstick, let me be your fantasy" That said, I did fund it, because I'm a horny coder and Linda is very sexy.

The opposite end of the scale is "You're hot," which places me as a judge, is about me getting horny, is general, and is likely to be mostly about the body they were born with.

The theme that was repeated over several microprocessors: a new, big idea that made all of the DEs horny, but that proved annoyingly tricky to implement.

The actual title of the article is "10 Skills to Become a Frontend Developer worth millions" with key points such as "#7 Be a conversion-horny UX nerd" and "#8 Write non-nerd hackable code".

Do what I call the horny-but-jerking-off-in-5-minutes-is-too-fast routine which I guess releases quite the potent mix of endorphines because I might end up sitting there for an hour with my pants open12.

I'm pretty sure the only reason this is getting so much funding is because the majority of computer science folk are horny men who are glossing over the dreamhouse attire / makeup / presentation put on in the video.

"Suggested followups: "Nightclubs: they suck because they're loud, dark and full of drunken horny young people" and "Concerts: how MP3 players could disrupt live music by playing every piece consistently without the bother of having to go to a live music venue".

I had to read this a few times to realize that you actually just said "we should give white people lower prison sentences for the same crimes because they're smarter and less likely to reoffend, unlike black people who are stupid and commit crimes because they're too stupid to get good jobs, and because they're really horny and don't get married like good Christians should.

Not really, the other elements of sex are what keep 'regular' sex interesting; the connection, the variety of foreplay or positions, the fact that there's a real person there :DI won't pretend to know much about the science behind it, but my understanding is that a habit of porn removes the link between being horny and then becoming sexually aroused.

Horny definitions


feeling great sexual desire; "feeling horny"

See also: aroused randy ruttish steamy


having horns or hornlike projections; "horny coral"; "horny (or horned) frog"


made of horn (or of a substance resembling horn)

See also: corneous hornlike