Hoo-ha in a sentence as a noun

You don't have to build emacs to get a modern version without all the Aquamacs hoo-ha.

It's a shame it took a huge economic hoo-ha for people to start using common sense again, though.

The quote three lines in from Yorke is: “None of us want to go into that creative hoo-ha of a long-play record again.

When banks were first founded, there was a big hoo-ha over how much of an insight they had into people's private lives.

Quote from their site: We stripped the traditional Dutch bike from redundant hoo-ha [...] and added sensibility instead.

And yes, that includes you, Italy - don't think we've forgotten that little hoo-ha between Boudicca and Paulinus!

As per my brother's recommendation, I ignored all the modern hoo-ha's about high-level programming languages and dove right into C and C++.Spent weeks grinding it out until I was finally comfortable writing code.

When Google was preparing to launch Streetview in Germany, there was a big media hoo-ha about it and they reacted by givng property owners the opportunity to have their house blurred; wealth has nothing to do with it, except that the wealthy are more likely to own the property they live in and pay attention to stuff like this.

Hoo-ha definitions


a disorderly outburst or tumult; "they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused"

See also: disturbance disruption commotion flutter to-do hoo-hah kerfuffle