Honorarium in a sentence as a noun

At a previous job we assigned folks a take home test, but paid an honorarium for their time.

The co-CEO title certainly sounds like an honorarium.

EIC gets an honorarium, gets invited to the conferences, events, gets his or her name on a cred sheet, gets to be on panels, etc.

This is no different for me being paid to write a book or receiving an honorarium for something while employed by someone.

I've read that they're paid a small honorarium, but I've been unable to find supporting evidence in any school documentation.

The current incarnation of the bullet train is two things: An honorarium to Jerry Browna payout to the union’s and bureaucrats to tide them over until the legislature can think up another boondoggle.

Your employer will have its internal lawyers call you to explain to you that your employment contract says that you have to assign them the patent, and that they're giving you $1,000 honorarium for this, and if you do not accept this then they will file your name anyway as "assignment by an uncooperative inventor.

And keeping with their motto: "Don't be evil" it appears in the last 24 hours media has gone wild alleging Google spent $25,000 to honor the FTC Director during the investigation - I know when I am being investigated for federal anti-trust allegations I too like to honor the investigator, and like Google I do not give the investigator the money directly, I give it to a 3rd party who in turn gives it to the investigators office, this allows the investigator time to close the case before allegations are made and when allegations are eventually made it allows the investigator the opportunity to say at the time it was unknown who "donated" money for the honorarium.

Honorarium definitions


a fee paid for a nominally free service