Honest-to-goodness in a sentence as an adjective

I can't in 2012, but that was the honest-to-goodness reality of "the web we lost" from 10 years ago. At some point, in the last 10 years, it became more, not less, clear to everyone that this kind of service needed limits.

An honest-to-goodness effort to port the large libraries requires a plan to support the existing 2. x versions alongside the 3.

In a world where there is so much hyperbole in articles, thanks for an honest-to-goodness report on Android development.

I enjoy interacting socially, but I really honest-to-goodness would rather talk about work at work. I really truly don't care about your personal life at work.

That's why I used the "effectively" qualifier - if my toolchain says "oh this is UTF-8," then I should be able to trust that it's for-real, honest-to-goodness, spec-compliant UTF-8. If it's "oh this is the part of UTF-8 that was easy to implement " instead, then that tool has lied to me.

We are talking about an honest-to-goodness conspiracy, one that yesterday many would have written off as a conspiracy theory that was not even worth considering. Basically, what we thought were the rules of the game are not the rules of the game.

The article's comment about the Ribbon in Office/Windows 8 "assuming [you] don't know how to use a menu, a key command, or a honest-to-goodness toolbar" is silly. Menus and toolbars make things more hidden, more modal, less discoverable, and key commands are still there.

Several Khan Academy employees were real honest-to-goodness teachers, and we work with teachers directly in-person every single day to make the product and the content better. In addition, we are looking for more folks to make videos.

It's the closest popular language to honest-to-goodness mathematics, to the point that some Prologs can solve linear equations that are written exactly as a system of equations.

The honest-to-goodness justification you're going to hear is that Facebook is a nascent company, the potential earnings of which are only loosely a function of current earnings. That's to be contrasted with the likes of Google, Apple, and others as those tech staples have more predictable future earnings potential, which is at least relatively more bounded by current streams of income from reliable businesses.

So when someone that is actually doing honest-to-goodness original, clever stuff gets jacked by the hacks-at-large, it is easy to get defensive and want to lock it down, particularly when you make your livelihood getting clients that like your style and it is suddenly watered down by clones and you're not getting paid to do what you made popular anymore. On Dribbble, I've seen it go so far down the hole that people have both claimed the original artist was the hack or said "Really reminds me of [hack]'s work.

Honest-to-goodness definitions


(used informally especially for emphasis); "a real honest-to-god live cowboy"; "had us a high old time"; "went upriver to look at a sure-enough fish wheel"

See also: honest-to-god