Homework in a sentence as a noun

It's amazing what kind of yarns people on SO will spin to get help with their homework.

Over the weekend, I'll be doing homework in my Coursera courses [smile].

I skipped lectures, forgot homework that was due, turned in coursework late; the usual suspects.

But honestly I remember nearly as much homework from my days, and those points stuck out more to me as a sign of the times.

This is a good reminder to always do your homework before making such a strong accusation.

Ordinary people can understand that you need quiet if you're working on some specific, hard task, like doing math homework.

The great part about this is that there's no homework since everything is classified, which is why I was able to do really well here.

Neither my son in high school nor my daughter in middle school has ever to my knowledge had state capitals homework, and neither would give that answer.

I'm not generally in favor of homework and would if asked by any of my kid's teachers --- who do actually coordinate to even out the workload --- vote for less of it.

* If your daughter answers "Texas City" as the state capital of Texas, the discussion of how she's struggling academically might range farther than homework load, eh?

How can I build a robot that will fetch me a beer or let the dog out or get the mail or something even minor that will make me feel like I am doing something with purpose and a real goal and not a homework assignment to get a robot to perform some meaningless task.

Homework definitions


preparatory school work done outside school (especially at home)

See also: prep preparation