Holocaust in a sentence as a noun

Deader than the worst possible nuclear holocaust could ever make Earth.

If you strip away the context, you'd be excused for thinking people are talking about the holocaust.

Making Germany safe for holocaust revisionists probably isn't very high on that list.

No. Whereas the Japanese American internment was certainly bad, it doesn't compare to holocaust.

It was the height of the cold war and the threat of nuclear holocaust, and the palpable fear about communism paled anything we see today over terrorism.

Anything of the scale of holocaust is only possible in a highly industrialized country.> So now poor kids with few options are recruited into the military.

Right... and I thought that the story about the destruction of Melmac was crazy:"In Pennsylvania 6-5000, Willie asked if the reason the planet was destroyed was nuclear holocaust, but ALF claimed it was because every Melmacian plugged their hairdryers in at the same time.

Holocaust definitions


an act of mass destruction and loss of life (especially in war or by fire); "a nuclear holocaust"


the mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime from 1941 until 1945

See also: Holocaust