Hodgepodge in a sentence as a noun

Or your codebase runs off the rails and becomes a hodgepodge of junk.

This is why OpenSSL looks like a hodgepodge of hacks upon hacks in order to accomplish narrow goals with limited impact testing.

"This is why OpenSSL looks like a hodgepodge of hacks upon hacks in order to accomplish narrow goals with limited impact testing.

Having used bash, awk, sed and a hodgepodge of utilities for twenty years, it was a revelation to finally spend some time learning perl.

In the eurozone you have a hodgepodge with a currency system overlaid, and then when some financial crisis happens the whole system breaks down.

There is such a hodgepodge of viewpoints and movements that you will not have to dig long before you find observant Jews who are skeptical about the existence of god - or most likely just don't bother with that question.

Development is a hodgepodge of different interdependent tools, server-side and client-side.

I'll assume whoever did this wants their message heard, and while it will never show up on CoderDojo, the hodgepodge of coding styles ensures that the "pull request" will go viral, thus possibly reaching a far greater number of people than it would have otherwise./tinfoil

Hodgepodge definitions


a motley assortment of things


a theory or argument made up of miscellaneous or incongruous ideas

See also: patchwork jumble