Hoaxer in a sentence as a noun

I presume because it happened 3-days after 9/11 and the bomber/hoaxer claimed to be with Al Queda.

The people who you are referring to hear are better labelled "denialists" than "hoaxers".

Jeong was already infamous for defending[0] the U. of Virginia rape hoaxer[1].

Yes, but the difference is that "hoaxer" is already an English word with an established meaning, namely, one who perpetrates a hoax.

And while in a lot of cases that would make the 'metadata' aspect useless anyway, there's always the possibility of a hoaxer either saying:1.

Interesting excerpt: The hoaxer, it seemed, had exploited the trickle-up nature of online information flow.

I think by reversing the meaning of the word hoaxer he can maintain the same rhetoric from his 2016 election to secure his next presidency while making 180 degree turn on what he is actually selling.

A hoaxer trying to write random gibberish in those days would do it by hand, not by rolling dice to ensure uniform randomness, and the handwritten gibberish would inevitably contain patterns.

I read about the Wine Spectator hoax a few weeks ago, but there's some new information here -- damage control from the editor of the magazine, and also additional details from the hoaxer in the third comment.

From a past example at the University of Pittsburgh[1], the result is simply a campus-wide lockdown and increasingly strenuous security requirements for those caught in between the hoaxer and their target.

Hoaxer definitions


someone who plays practical jokes on others

See also: prankster cut-up trickster tricker