Hitter in a sentence as a noun

He's a big hitter... a really big hitter.

And Blackberry is hardly the heavy hitter they used to be.

They were trying to avoid contact or they were afraid that the hitter was going to hit the ball.

Sometimes he got fooled and ended up striking out, but he wasn't a pure swing-for-the-fences hitter.

Or is the entire judicial branch disgusted with the patent system too, and they asked for a pinch-hitter?

All boot camps have interviews, however Hack Reactor has probably the strictest there is and their heaviest hitter.

"I used to think that if there was reincarnation, I wanted to come back as the president or the pope or as a .400 baseball hitter.

I recently spoke in Paris as a pinch-hitter for someone who couldn't make it last minute, and they asked me what I could speak about.

I can't find the good quote from him on that, but here's the great one from James Carville: "I used to think that if there was reincarnation, I wanted to come back as the president or the pope or as a .400 baseball hitter.

Barry Bonds believed he was the best hitter of his era, and if McGwire and Sosa were going to get credit for breaking the home run record while taking steroids, then damnit he was going to take steroids and hit 70 bombs.

I think fewer searches should be reasonable, in any event, but this isn't a "search", any more than the smoldering one-hitter you leave on the empty passenger seat in your car is "searched" when a cop spots it after ticketing you for weaving in between lanes.

Hitter definitions


(baseball) a ballplayer who is batting

See also: batter slugger batsman


someone who hits; "a hard hitter"; "a fine striker of the ball"; "blacksmiths are good hitters"

See also: striker