Historical in a sentence as an adjective

In case you are genuinely wondering, a lot of the hate towards Microsoft stems from their historical hostility towards open standards[0] and open source[1].

Some of them are due to just differences in historical context between the 60s and the 2000's, some are probably due to how Bell's monopoly effected it's R&D approaches, sure.

The historical revisionism among the Appleistas is a bit disconcerting.

Those are both very real life things just not the same thing.>>It is all due to a historical accident: in 1893, the great Karl Pearson introduced the term "standard deviation" for what had been known as "root mean square error".

The lifestyles we consider just about tolerable are, by any historical or global standard, utter luxury.

The prevalence of discrimination toward extreme youth in the software industry is probably a historical artifact of the fact that it's a new industry, so for the most part young people were the ones who "got it.

I'm not going to into a huge essay against pricing being rational but history has shown time and again that prices reach irrational exuberance; tulip mania and trading sardines are not merely historical phenomenon.

Examples are the mathematical notations of various disciplines, the jargon-laden meta-language of historical theory/literary criticism, and what is popularly known as 'legalese'.

"Here Mr. Khan stands exposed as possessing a historical perspective steeped in academias standard issue, postmodern, left-leaning narrative of cultural relativism, multiculturalism, and moral equivalence.

Almost the entire piece does nothing but cite facts, such as: the dropping of the nuclear bombs does not figure significantly in historical records of the Japanese leadership's discussion about surrender; the Japanese war council decided on August 8 not even to discuss the Hiroshima bombing; damage to Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not out of scale with the earlier fire-bombings of other cities; Japanese leaders had expressed a willingness to sacrifice their cities if necessary; Japan's war strategy was predicated on the Soviets staying neutral; and so on.

Historical definitions


of or relating to the study of history; "historical scholars"; "a historical perspective"


having once lived or existed or taken place in the real world as distinct from being legendary; "the historical Jesus"; "doubt that a historical Camelot every existed"; "actual historical events"


belonging to the past; of what is important or famous in the past; "historic victories"; "historical (or historic) times"; "a historical character"

See also: historic


used of the study of a phenomenon (especially language) as it changes through time; "diachronic linguistics"

See also: diachronic