Hindquarters in a sentence as a noun

100% that number was pulled straight from their hindquarters.

They pay lip service to standards now, but it wasn't too long ago that they sat on their hindquarters twiddling their thumbs. You think IE7-IE9 is their good will towards man?

I'd like to tell you "And they're kicking my old, cheap buttons' hindquarters in an A/B test" but that would be the exact opposite of the truth. sigh Can't win them all.

This is to say nothing of the fact that it's quite nice to leave the bathroom with dry hindquarters rather than a bad case of SA.

If you neglect them, the lack will bite you in the hindquarters, both in more important respects and in impacting your work/business.

That's not so bad I think, considering you arrived at your estimate of 1500 by pulling quite a few percentages "out of your hindquarters".

Stop falling for this ****, he is the one that commissioned the original program, and he is sending his own men to slaughter to protect his own hindquarters. He is the worst kind of sleezebag that exists...

But there is CPC bidding going on underneath it, and while that detail is abstracted away it can bite you in the hindquarters if you're not aware of it.

> Is there an entrepreneur willing to say "Yep, tried them, got bitten in the hindquarters", Kinda, but in a different way. When we were raising our Series A round, some investors based their offer off our Seed round's valuation.

Absent the statistics, the "more hospitable" claim is the reporter pulling something totally out of their hindquarters to make the story work.

This sometimes bites me on the hindquarters: if you do a little work in the morning, goof off on the Internet for a while, and do a little work in the afternoon, it often "feels like" you worked that day. And if on a Tuesday you miss your morning, well, nobody yells at you.

I fall in the third bucket, people who travel just enough to have seen a lot of things but not so much that any particular airline gives a rat's hindquarters about me. Gate agents largely do not have the authority--or the inclination--to help with much past their own flights.

It is a novel class of attacks, and bites many people squarely on the hindquarters. For example, every available Java OpenID implementation was timable back in 2010.

There has been research to indicate that both genders regardless or orientation, check out the hindquarters of prospective partners. Regardless of who you are into, squats will benefit everyone looking to maximize their attractiveness.

I agree that there is no difference in the people if you mean that they are all hominids who for the most part speak languages to communicate and eat with their mouths and defecate with their hindquarters. But otherwise every writer on the matter since Tocqueville seems convinced there are significant differences and I am in agreement, the only person I can think of that agrees with you is Vincent Vega, and he's fictional with an itchy trigger finger.

Is there an entrepreneur willing to say "Yep, tried them, got bitten in the hindquarters", even anonymously? I don't necessarily disbelieve here but it strikes me that VCs have the curious property of always giving fundraising advice which is in the interest of VCs. I acknowledge that somewhere in this wide world there may actually be a VC motivated primarily by friends-and-family getting appropriate compensation for risky investments but that is not the way I will bet.

Hindquarters definitions


the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on; "he deserves a good kick in the butt"; "are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?"

See also: buttocks


the part of an animal that corresponds to the human buttocks

See also: croup croupe rump