Hedonist in a sentence as a noun

Speaking as a hedonist, I say go for it. This fling will bring you to highs that even a billion dollar exit can't buy.

So the first step in this ethical AI system would be to train it to be an ethical hedonist.

Only a simple hedonist is going to find contentedness through a pallet of cash.

I am already an ethical hedonist so I am the domain expert.

But we can add epicycles to some other secular hedonist theory and make it fit.

I don't really care I am to much of a hedonist, I should be doing homework and here I am slacking in the internet.

Unless you are a hedonist, maximum leisure in your prime working years and minimum leisure in old age don't make sense.

That the current hedonist lifestyle based on consumerism is sustainable in the long term.

Maybe I'm just being a doomer, but I don't think it makes a difference, all of the money is on being a hedonist staying the course and that seems to be the only relevant thing.

You might even be such a narcissist that you map your own failings onto the other person and decide they are 'wrong' when you're really a stubborn, selfish, unlovable hedonist.

Hedonist definitions


someone motivated by desires for sensual pleasures

See also: pagan