Hectic in a sentence as an adjective

Yes things get a little hectic when deadlines are due but thats the nature of things.

Since it's only ten minutes, it's pretty hectic as the YC partners try to understand the company/team.

The actual process is far more hectic and zig-zag'ing towards the target than these illustrations depict it to be.

Launch has been pretty hectic but is going well, so far the feedback has been positive and I'm implemented a lot of changes suggested here.

"Even with the hectic work demands that I face on a daily basis, Im still able to be very involved in the lives of my wife and two young daughters.

I think what they share is a style of work very detached from the hectic, local improvement approach, which is usually forced upon us in industry for efficiency reasons.

When it is not clear, each driver makes up their own rules, lanes, etc. What's worse, the places where the paint is most worn out are typically busy intersections or the rotaries they use so much, which leads to some of the most hectic driving conditions an unprepared driver can be thrown into.

If you want to gain reputation the most viable approach is to keep hitting F5 and answer simple questions before someone else and therefore it has become a race instead of a display of knowledge if it's reputation that you are hunting for.\nI believe it wasn't as hectic about one and a half year ago when I joined.

Hectic definitions


marked by intense agitation or emotion; "worked at a feverish pace"

See also: feverish