Heavyset in a sentence as an adjective

But of course this policy is also very ageist, biased against heavyset people etc. So do we ban that as well, since it's not something people can control?

A newcomer ten rows up the hill, a heavyset man who reminded Ada a bit of Daemon, laughed, and said, How can you achieve excellence in all things, Teacher?

It was a still image from a surveillance video, showing a heavyset man, dressed in black and wearing a red St. Louis Cardinals cap, standing in front of a watch display.

Cloud computing is also becoming more and more rewarding for heavyset computation and sharing of resources.

If they're made to be comfortable for a heavyset man holding powertools wearing steel-toed boots, it's definitely going to feel good in comfortable clothes and shoes!

Several years ago there used to be a site called KnifeTests where a heavyset man dressed like a serial killer put a variety of cheap and very expensive knives through horrific levels of abuse.

Heavyset definitions


having a short and solid form or stature; "a wrestler of compact build"; "he was tall and heavyset"; "stocky legs"; "a thickset young man"

See also: compact stocky thick thickset