Heathen in a sentence as a noun

Redditors - go back to your caves, you heathen!

I have it on good authority they have weather in the heathen lands to the Far East.

Oh cool,I don't practice religion so I'm an amoral heathen.

My quarrel is with the "you must use it everywhere or you're just an ignorant heathen" zealots, not with FP itself.

My heathen-self can now marry and remotely, instantly ruin their marriage.

Luckily RMS has GnuTLS available, which doesn't use any heathen licenses.

Heathen in a sentence as an adjective

The laundry room at my previous apartment was operated by a heathen of a company called Mac Gray [0].

As a dirty non-vim-using heathen trying to correct the error of my ways, I'm having trouble adjusting.

There is one for religion too: anyone less observant than you is a heathen, anyone more observant than you is a fanatic.

It doesn't have any impact on your predilection for algebra or analysis, it just makes you a heathen heretic who doesn't understand the greatness of corn on the cob. Unless you have dental issues, or are 6, the corn is to be eaten on the cob.

It's okay for freshly-minted programmers to blindly follow the patterns of the grey-hairs and for the zealous to write heathen code, depending on who will be maintaining the project in six months.

Puritans would often complain about the inexplicable justice of "heathen" Americans who were seemingly lazy and were laying around all day, doing maybe a little bit of work here and a little bit there, while still managing to bring in bountiful harvests.

Heathen definitions


a person who does not acknowledge your god

See also: pagan gentile infidel


not acknowledging the God of Christianity and Judaism and Islam

See also: heathenish pagan ethnic