Headhunter in a sentence as a noun

The headhunter called me and told me there was an opportunity here so I came to check it out".

If a headhunter contacted me, even if I wasn't looking, I could talk to the company.

A headhunter got me an interview with a local telecom.

Most of my jobs have been gotten this way, I've only worked at two companies where I went in cold via a headhunter.

Would you hire your own development team by phoning up a headhunter, asking for a half dozen developers, and then taking whatever the guy sends over?

After taking a few calls with headhunters just to see what it was like, I can't imagine someone who is not looking for a job anyway giving them serious attention.

A few years ago I was approached by a headhunter for a publicly-traded software company about coming on as their general counsel.

Headhunter definitions


a recruiter of personnel (especially for corporations)


a savage who cuts off and preserves the heads of enemies as trophies

See also: head-shrinker