Hayseed in a sentence as a noun

They are NOT dumb hayseeds like they are often portrayed!

"Ha Ha let's go fleece some of those hayseeds from NYC. Rubes & their money are soon parted when they start playing with the big boys!

When you're arguing for inclusion, you should avoid pejorative terms like 'hayseed'.

It's true that the EC gives the hayseeds in the flyover states a disproportionate voice in government.

All you can do is pay them to go away, either before or after a jury of hayseeds in East Texas forces you to.

The Spaniards gawped like hayseeds at the wide streets, ornately carved buildings, and markets bright with goods from hundreds of miles away.

Once upon a time, Walmart was portrayed as a cute & fuzzy hayseed retailer just looking to save the good 'ol consumer a buck or two.

You think he was scheduling meetings this way back in 1958 when most probably looked at him as just some hayseed from Nebraska, if they even knew who he was at all?

The feelin' between this city and the hayseeds that make a livin' by plunderin' it is every bit as bitter as the feelin' between the North and South before the war.

Why, I know a lot of men in my district who would like nothin' better today than to go out gunnin' for hayseeds!New York City has got a bigger population than most of the states in the Union.

" This has been debunked so many times it's getting exhausting, but once again I'll point out that his lawyer was not a complete hayseed and understood that, even if Aaron went to trial and was found guilty on every single count, he would face at most a few years in jail, and quite possibly no jail time at all.

Hayseed definitions


a person who is not very intelligent or interested in culture

See also: yokel rube hick yahoo bumpkin chawbacon