Hawker in a sentence as a noun

You can go to hawker stalls and eat a fine meal for less than 3 €.

No, a street hawker is selling you stuff off the street.

If that doesn't count; a street hawker in nyc selling falafel/donner kabab with my secret sauce.

There are hawker stands that have been recycling the broth for decades into a super-intense brew.

I wonder why US cities where food trucks are common haven't gone the Singapore route and setup regulated "hawker centers".

A friend was somehow tricked into allowing a hawker to start tying an intricate string bracelet using his finger as the base.

There's places to go that aren't shopping malls - I miss the hawker centres and food streets, and there's some great walking to be had.\nThose usually get old after a few months/years..

I still prefer to simply take high quality produce out of the fridge over getting who-really-knows-for-sure from some fly-by-night hawker.

Hawker definitions


someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals)

See also: peddler pedlar packman pitchman


a person who breeds and trains hawks and who follows the sport of falconry

See also: falconer