Haunted in a sentence as an adjective

>>Whats more, Edison was haunted by Dallys death to the end of his days.

So 10 years and a few employers ago, we had a case of a few "haunted" server chassis.

It's like staying in an "actual" haunted hotel versus taking a disney ride of a haunted house.

I continue to be haunted by something a good artist friend used to say: "Don't obsess over your tools.

While their intentions may have been good, the information they were requesting could have haunted the students being tracked for the rest of their lives.

As for that latter part - some might say I am... I am, afterall, trying to avoid being haunted by a foreign nation's tax collecting agency for the rest of my life.

What I'm trying to say is that even though the universe reconfigured itself around me for some reason, I'm still not really sure why, I'm still haunted by the same existential questions that have always bothered me.

How is "Some presents explode when you open them, others are haunted by ghosts that open other presents when disturbed," going to clear anything up for someone who is lost?It looks like it's just an introduction to a yet-to-be-written series.

Last year I joined a big Chinese startup and, after eight years in China, I discovered something: the best hackers in China are not those you would find in places haunted by foreigners, they would not be working for foreign companies, they don't necessarily like to speak English, even if they follow closely what happens outside.

Haunted definitions


having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something; "became more and more haunted by the stupid riddle"; "was absolutely obsessed with the girl"; "got no help from his wife who was preoccupied with the children"; "he was taken up in worry for the old woman"

See also: obsessed preoccupied


showing emotional affliction or disquiet; "her expression became progressively more haunted"


inhabited by or as if by apparitions; "a haunted house"