Hatching in a sentence as a noun

Familiar metaphors like an egg hatching into the prey of its parents?

The fact that the life expectancy at hatching is only one year tells you nothing about the distribution.

Cool!It'd be awesome to see hatching that wasn't aligned to the particular planes, but rather the camera normal.

If we do eradicate them globally, how long would we have to "hit reset" by hatching and releasing stored eggs if unforeseen consequences make it necessary?

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that there's some kind of top secret terrorist government hiding somewhere, and that "they" are secretly hatching evil plots to destroy "America".

My favorite resolution is the one where our solar system, having developed sentience, is under the protection of the galactic equivalent of the EPA, sort of a 'you can't go in there because they haven't finished hatching' sort of thing.

Quote> Skeptics argue that members can spend their private time hatching plans to control world politics and economics, ensuring the wealthy and powerful maintain their powerful grip on an enslaved population that keeps the machinery runningSounds bogus.

Hatching definitions


the production of young from an egg

See also: hatch


shading consisting of multiple crossing lines

See also: hatch crosshatch hachure