Harvesting in a sentence as a noun

This started what amounted to a gold rush, as people set off to make their fortunes from harvesting it.

Not if those emails are from spammers harvesting the Groupon DB that is now available on Google.

Tight jeans "almost ruined" money because instead of harvesting jeans for used cotton, they had to go buy new cotton.

Meanwhile, they all go to the fancy restaurant that serves the exact same item they are so against some kid harvesting and rave about it. Seattle.

I live a block away from this machine and won't be using it because of nonsense biometric data harvesting.

Ah yes, at midnight I'll just go walk over to my "dormitories" on my "plantation" and wake my "employees" and tell them to get to work harvesting cotton.

>"I don't think Craig's a bad guy, but he's harvesting $50M a year into his pockets and not improving the site"Not sure about the definition of "improving the site" here.

I wonder how long it takes for admins at VPS hosting providers to start harvesting private keys from VPS instances, using this tool or, where available, direct filesystem access...

When "binning" refers to the practice of putting premium prices on parts that test as being capable of operating at higher clock speeds or lower voltages, that's good for the consumer. When it refers to die harvesting - selling the chip with a defective section disabled - that's also good for the consumer. When it refers to crippling a chip that has already passed QA, it's a symptom of insufficient competitive pressure.

Harvesting definitions


the gathering of a ripened crop

See also: harvest