Harshness in a sentence as a noun

Some people just can't cope with the harshness that is life.

Some people can't cope with the harshness of their mental illnesses.

Plus, all the harshness that's there is towards stupid journalists, not to the kid.

But the general harshness is misguided I think.

My apologies for my harshness, but wow, those links were horrible.

And then I remembered the stake and the cross-roads, and the queer fact that Christianity had shown this weird harshness to the *******.

>note that I'm not arguing about the harshness of the sentenceYes you are -- albeit implicitly.

The vast majority of people will never experience the harshness of the US justice system, except those that chance or circumstance chooses.

Kind of like when Rosa Parks broke the law sitting in the front of a bus. Second, the harshness of the prosecution was totally out-of-proportion to the act, even if you totally buy that it was really wrong.

As clarified by others, I missed the reference to the album because I never really listened to Van Halen and I apologise for my harshness.

Do you think all these people were equally as incapacitated by the harshness of their lives, unable to make rational decisions and work to improve their lives?

Harshness definitions


the roughness of a substance that causes abrasions

See also: abrasiveness scratchiness


the quality of being unpleasant (harsh or rough or grating) to the senses

See also: roughness


the quality of being cruel and causing tension or annoyance

See also: cruelty cruelness


excessive sternness; "severity of character"; "the harshness of his punishment was inhuman"; "the rigors of boot camp"