Happy in a sentence as an adjective

He was happy and I had 200 bucks in my pocket.

We're simply people, who program, and we are happy that other people are entering the field.

We did it up like you would expect a happy couple to - nice bottle of wine, share an appetizer and dessert, etc.

Good governance and happy lives for citizens isn't why England subjugated Wales.

The contractor was very happy, I went as far as to make it a SCO Install disk etc, and they were able to make the install part of their build process.

I always find it interesting when people in our industry somehow look down at work that makes users happy and gets us all paid so we can do other things.

As far as I know, no-one said anything, including me - and Blizzard, of course, was more than happy to comply, given the size of the market and the risk of being forbidden to do business there.

This should make a lot of entrepreneurs happy, as there will continue to be a lot of top-down management-driven products that, if history shows, will continue to be market failures.

How would you get to this page without knowing what ssh is, and how would you know what ssh is without needing to use it?Anyway, a lot of happy-sounding words for ... a program that decrypts text from the Internet and writes it to the screen.

Is the ssh client really happy that it can make a TCP connection to the intarwebs, especially for me?What does this sentence mean to someone that wants to ssh from their phone?it helps you when you need it, and stays out of your way when you dontSo when I want to be sshing, I can run it, and when I don't want to be sshing, I don't have to run it?

Happy definitions


enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure; "a happy smile"; "spent many happy days on the beach"; "a happy marriage"


marked by good fortune; "a felicitous life"; "a happy outcome"

See also: felicitous


eagerly disposed to act or to be of service; "glad to help"

See also: glad


well expressed and to the point; "a happy turn of phrase"; "a few well-chosen words"

See also: well-chosen