Handshake in a sentence as a noun

The RSA handshake is a relic of the 1990s.

How could a psychotic 17-year old be let off with a handshake and a look in the eye?

Kinda annoying that it plays the modem handshake sound while printing dots to the terminal.

After the initial handshake the modem speaker would switch off, and the rest of the session would be silent.

The handshake would only ever happen at the beginning of the call, before any actual data is received by the user.

Even with revocation checking enabled, no browser that I know of will fail a TLS handshake if the revocation check is blocked.

Essentially, business in the largest, most liquid market in the world depends on nothing more than a metaphorical handshake.

Mallory wants to connect to Bob, and so makes a connection to Bob, sends data, and then renegotiates TLS with a handshake replayed from Alice and Bob.

So, much of the network path that would transfer a full payload is replaced by a compressed connection that does not have to build up and tear down a TCP connection with a three way handshake.

If you are speaking about the the second part of the crypto handshake I can assure you that the fact that the plaintext is known is not a problem.>I found a potential buffer overflow at line 143.

Handshake definitions


grasping and shaking a person's hand (as to acknowledge an introduction or to agree on a contract)

See also: shake handshaking handclasp