Handrail in a sentence as a noun

Without the ******* net project, I doubt the handrails would be changed.

I can't remember the last time I had to use a handrail, but they're there for a reason.

Believe you're correct, as there appears to be a faint outline/shadow for a handrail as well, at an angle that would be used for stairs

I'm guessing the new ******* net increased the wind loading, so the handrail had to be modified to reduce its wind loading.

> “We knew going into the handrail replacement that the bridge would sing during exceptionally high winds from the west, as we saw yesterday.

I mean, it was right there in front of you!I mean, it doesn’t matter that it “blended in” and wasn’t easily visible, and has no handrail, it was still right there.

Most transmission is person-to-person, there isn't a ton of person-to-surface-to-person spread therefore it's not like the virus is sitting on a handrail in the sun for days.

They improve access for people with less serious mobility issues such as those with knee or hip problems or elderly people who simply lack the upper body strength to confidently support themselves using a handrail.

Handrail definitions


a railing at the side of a staircase or balcony to prevent people from falling

See also: bannister banister balustrade balusters