Gyro in a sentence as a noun

Looks like a gyro mouse, as a ring.

What if it's 5am and you had a bad gyro the night before and you need to go real bad.

The software for the gyro sensors come straight out of the Armadillo rocket tech.

These differ from standard gyroscopes in that they are gimballed to produce a reaction torque.

The gyro-stabilized, two-wheeled future of transportation is the bicycle, people.

Prior to about 2005 the best you could do was a laser gyro for motion and an accelerometer for inertial reference.

The torque from a control moment gyro is not produced in a constant vector - the torque vector rotates with the gyroscope as it is gimballed.

Basically it uses the gyro to estimate the position during a gps outage and then it can tell the GPS where to look in the sky for satellites.

Thus, if there was only one gyro, some component of its output torque would be aligned with the yaw axis, which would create some rather unpleasant and dangerous effects.

I don't know what can be learned from that other than making remote-controlled gyro-actuated little cubes that link together via magnets.

This actually uses control moment gyroscopes [1] in a scissored-pair configuration, the subject of my undergrad thesis.

Remember the last two-wheeled, gyro-stabilized future of transportation?

> it's not very difficult to trick a GPS sensor into thinking its somewhere else as long as your signal is a lot better then the ones coming from the satelliteand that's probably the reason why they include a gyro and shut down the machine if it is moved at all, regardless of what the GPS says.

If you look at the cut open V2 rocket in the Imperial War museum in London you can see about 1/3 of the innards is the control system; gyro's, inertial guidance etc. Today you can buy that on a chips from digi-key, farnell, sparkfun or wherever for say $50 or even just root your smartphone and use it as the control system.

Gyro definitions


a Greek sandwich: sliced roast lamb with onion and tomato stuffed into pita bread


rotating mechanism in the form of a universally mounted spinning wheel that offers resistance to turns in any direction

See also: gyroscope