Gutless in a sentence as an adjective

So your #1 is made up, and your #2 is totally gutless.

Or Drakaal is a gutless troll who wishes he could write articles that people cared or even talked about. That's also a possibility I guess.

This is a totally gutless response by the journal. If they want to show there is any value in the fee structure for the 'journal' system, they need to step up and defend the freedom of ideas.

Yeah, I might have gone too far with that gutless thing, but the important thing is the final outcome on which we both agree: in the end nothing happened.

Yeah, hence my gutless hedging with "sort of". Maybe "failsafe" would be a better term, like in the film of that name, where the bombers are instructed to ignore any order to abort once they pass a particular point.

Unfortunately the FCC has been gutless about enforcing the rule. It took the agency 10 months to force Verizon to allow tethering apps in Google App store.

This torture shall continue until morale improves, or until the gutless boomers in charge, aren't. [1] And I have chosen not to, mainly to avoid having anything to do with BB.

Typical, gutless reaction we have now come to expect from large corporations/institutions. I would be absolutely shocked if MIT had dug their heels in that nothing about this situation would have changed.

I will describe this horrible little gutless advertising stunt. We will work to switch them over to another company immediately.

If anything I would hold Sonia and Congress responsible for being gutless and focusing on consolidating their power base. But most of all I would single out the swing coalition partners from Bengal above all.

I wonder how many more years before gutless UK politicians consider proper cannabis regulation?

Because apparently, at least to me, the only other alternative is gutless, feckless defeatist, overly-cautious "be warned that even if you try, you're not going to succeed". Screw that, I'd rather fail after trying really hard than to not having tried at all.

I guess it's all fair in business, but it was a gutless defense of VB - an admission, actually - that VB wasn't up to the competition. The summary for me is that Delphi was more productive and way better designed than VB with the performance of C. I never understood why it didn't have a broader following.

And implying that Parson's gutless little stunt is justified simply because this is great for his company puts you squarely in the ends justify the means camp. Inhabiting that miserable landscape, you and he will not mind when I declare open season and cull a few company CEOs and feed a whole village, too.

Anyway point is the arbiter of "friendship" on the internet is a megalomaniac who seems to understand nothing about friendship - a strange situation perpetuated by a star-struck, gutless press too busy slathering him with praise to think critically. Greenspan is just pointing this out, fairly it seems.

This was a gutless, sexist, little shitfest in front of a tech audience in a supposedly professional forum, not someone sneaking a peak at a woman. Do you and the rest of the geniuses who are unable to read the article and who are commenting below about "evolution" and other ********* really, really not get this?

My problems with this specific situation: - Trying to organize a popular campaign targeting a specific person's reputation and/or livelihood while refusing to divulge your own identity is incredibly gutless. If you're sure enough of your convictions to take that kind of action, why are you not sure enough to sign your name to it?

It now says: Today's chips usually use silicon,\n which is a member of group IV of\n the periodic table of the elements\n\nI hate it when authors/websites are too gutless to acknowledge mistakes, but instead just quietly change text.

Gutless definitions


lacking courage or vitality; "he was a yellow gutless worm"; "a spineless craven fellow"


weak in willpower, courage or vitality

See also: namby-pamby spineless wishy-washy