Gumshoe in a sentence as a noun

You would need to google gumshoe a bit to read up for that.

Not to be crass, but this isn't gumshoe detective work here.

Might be worth mentioning gumshoe[0] as well, which is fantastic.

Then it's "great job FBI, do more gumshoe police work and less political meddling!

You can be the sales guy who brought in the top clients or be the gumshoe who knocked on every door and raised a round.

The days of a skilled gumshoe hitting the streets for information is a romanticized memory.

Unless someone gives them a budget for real gumshoe work, Snopes will just end up applying a bunch of political bias filters and lazy heuristics.

For some things, you have to become a seasoned gumshoe to figure out if a review is legitimate or not. I assume there are other niche industries that are using similar marketing techniques.

In-person BTC/fiat conversions are vulnerable to old fashioned gumshoe police work: "hey, that BTC you exchanged on localbitcoin... you happen to remember what that guy looked like?

Every single transaction is permanently in the ledger, and combined with IP snooping, big data, machine learning, and a bit of gumshoe police work the potential for tracing things is incredible.

Gumshoe definitions


someone who is a detective

See also: dick hawkshaw


a waterproof overshoe that protects shoes from water or snow

See also: arctic galosh golosh rubber