Guileless in a sentence as an adjective

Another way to get the guileless to install malware?

It's a far cry from the open, guileless sharing culture of webdev 10 years ago.

A lot of people operate under the guileless belief that if they help someone, that person/entity will not screw them.

But there is a strange attitude here and on twitter that he is guileless, when clearly he is making very calculated moves.

GP comment's language "joining coinbase was a no-brainer" was as pathetically guileless as SV gets.

As a favour to the developers, I have always chosen to opt in for telemetry when it was asked upfront and in a transparent and guileless manner.

They said:"the generalised impression that the army of the 1960s was staffed by the guileless or by soldiers of limited intelligance" was unacceptable.

Perhaps the hostility comes from the fact that you're calling dishonest manipulation of guileless hackers "customer development".And don't call me dude.

Even the most guileless and logical engineer still has an emotional life and worldview that forms the building blocks of what turns into "politics" when you get a large group of people together.

They are parasites, and they have little helpers who they give crumbs to and argue their case, including those who tell guileless fools that a magic man who lives in the clouds named Jesus will make sure they never die.

He appears unapologetically honest about his feelings toward the people and topics he's presented with, and I think that guileless honesty is a contagious threat to a mainstream that trades in outrage.

Guileless definitions


free of deceit

See also: transparent