Guff in a sentence as a noun

That's worth the update, even if the rest of the update is guff.

That I want to sit through minutes of marketing guff waiting for you to get to the point?

Install the JDK, no auto-update guff, and extra useful tools as well.

I can't believe this kind of promotional guff has made it onto the front page of Hacker News.

This guy dresses up his reasons in pseudo-intellectual guff.

Think of facebook and the guff they got about their TOS, twitter and their killing off of competing apps.

"It's all quite sweet but really, the excess guff and explanations make it more likely someone will miss something.

With your scenario, I might get an update if content is added, if I can find it between guff about conference scandals.

" Which seems both clear and wise to me, but we have this weird thing about expecting our leaders to be Lone Cowboy types who don't take no guff from nobody.

I used to have a coworker who would give me soooo much guff about these disclaimers since I'd drop so many of them in one of these conversations.

A few notes for you, which I've also added to the original site:Yes, I'm aware this is pretty meaningless - my original tweet was "Not sure if it's net-art or just a load of guff.

I used to work on PKI and this right here would have the old guard of system security architects up in arms: > 90% of that guff can be automated and hidden underneath a good UI, but can we\n > dispense with the need for key exchange parties?

But you have to pick your battles, and the reason I think this article is guff is because it misidentifies what to fight, and plays up to superficial and lazy observations of the UK from outside, as if to appeal to its intended audience.

As long as identification of the outputs is reliable/conservative so there's no chance of misidentifying a spendable output as unspendable, you don't even need consensus to do this: just delete the guff from your local database and only serve blocks to nodes that understand partial block downloads, and you're done.

Guff definitions


unacceptable behavior (especially ludicrously false statements)

See also: bunk bunkum buncombe hogwash