Gruesomeness in a sentence as a noun

Depending on, not sure how the describe it, gruesomeness of the ****, it may make national news.

But their gruesomeness is as repulsive to Saudis as it is to everbody else in the world.

We all hear about the gruesomeness of deaths by ******* and the impact on relationships with family and friends.

I agree that "shootouts" is the wrong word, but "melee" doesn't quite capture the gruesomeness of human beings beating each other to death with spiked clubs.

I was too young to "appreciate" the gruesomeness of Pikmin when I played it, but your post got me thinking if it was intentional.

I think most metal fans hear lyrical gruesomeness as something between fantasy and a cause for more empathy than anything else.

Gruesomeness definitions


the quality of being ghastly

See also: ghastliness grimness luridness