Groundless in a sentence as an adjective

That insinuation, if present, would seem to be groundless.

Until you do, the claim is groundless, and groundlessly accusing people is not ok.

They won't even stop at looking through your files on a groundless suspicion - they'll clone your harddrive?

Going by what we know, someone has made a claim without anything to back it up. Should we encourage groundless accusations?

They're obviously non-sensical and groundless and they should be publicly shamed for it. But that'll never happen I guess.

Perhaps the claimed copyright is groundless, on the basis the the scanned documents are well into the public domain [1]?

Lessig and bizarre bloggers like Danah Boyd seem to occasionally accuse them of that, but it all seems rather groundless.

If this quote is authentic, her accusations are anything but groundless:Thanks for writing in. If there is any chance that Rachel will receive spam from a stalker on her project, she should not create one.

But as even they eventually admitted, every single claim was absolutely true, and a judge threw the lawsuit out as completely groundless.

The Markov model would effectively be a component in a larger system that needed to use words. It isn't at all clear that the Markov model is the best possible one, but it is just groundless dogma to insist that learning can't have anything to do with real performance.

I don't like this article's groundless speculation about Albert Einstein, who is used as an unwilling poster child for dozens of causes without support in Einstein's actual biography.

"Step 1: get a well-known consultant from VSR to reverse engineer your code gratis and publicly post that the allegations made about your software appear groundless".You probably don't even need a step 2.

Groundless definitions


without a basis in reason or fact; "baseless gossip"; "the allegations proved groundless"; "idle fears"; "unfounded suspicions"; "unwarranted jealousy"

See also: baseless idle unfounded unwarranted wild