Groggy in a sentence as an adjective

"Do feel tired, groggy, or have ailment X?

Above 10 and I tend to get groggy and depressed.

Then sometimes, i sleep then check it first thing in the morning where i am groggy.

I don't work well on that amount of sleep - I always awake groggy, I'm always tired.

I was too groggy/freaked to just stay put behind my curtains and tinted windows, I got out.

I never skipped class, but I may as well have considering how sleepy and groggy as I was.

I usually feel groggy after naps and it would be hard for me to go back to studying or working.

*Disclaimer: This was written on a groggy Sunday morning.

If you wake up sleepy and groggy and all that, then what neuroreceptors are we talking about?

As a boy, he would sometimes wake up groggy and grumpy, unhappy about milking the cows pre-dawn.

I'll pass on everything I learn about what's going on, just woke up. #groggy" "Also, in the future, if hackers could please not find exploits in the middle of the night on weekends, that would be great, mk?

I wake up feeling terrible; groggy, mild headache, irritable.

It's not the nap that makes you groggy, it's at what point your sleep cycle you wake up - you want to wake up at the end of one, but before the next one kicks in.

Groggy definitions


stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion)

See also: dazed foggy logy stuporous