Grieve in a sentence as a verb

Let it not grieve thee then, if it be not thy fault that the thing is not performed.

This is not the time or place to be criticizing Jobs or those who grieve at the loss.

He told me how difficult it was to lose his own father and to take as much time as I needed to grieve.

But if it grieve thee, that thou doest not perform that which seemeth unto thee right and just, why doest not thou choose rather to perform it than to grieve?

But if it be somewhat that is amiss in thine own disposition, that doth grieve thee, mayest thou not rectify thy moral tenets and opinions.

When he said "not attempt to summaraize...Now is a time for..." I expected the sentence to end with "now is the time to grieve and celebrate Aaron's life, not cast blame"...Certainly, the same message and promises won't be made by the government handlers.

So many people calling for prosecutors to explain themselves, but whenever a question is asked of a local, it is "time to grieve, not ask questions.

Elephants aren't that close with people, but are highly intelligent, have active internal emotional states, and even grieve for their dead.

...we need the books that affect us like a disaster, that grieve us deeply, like the death of someone we loved more than ourselves, like being banished into forests far from everyone, like a *******.

And even though you're right - it does get better, and it could be worse, just as it is in this case, that mother will still grieve the loss of her child and this entrepreneur will still mourn the failure of his company.

"It's not legitimate for HN to grieve" is met by indignation at being told how we should feel, and then you have the unmitigated gall to declare in opposition that others don't have to feel the same way we do?!

The farmer doesn't grieve for the trampled ears, and he does little to nothing to reduce trampled ears, because overall his harvesting method is the most monetarily efficient one available to him.

>Can we please just let the family grieve?You can also "man up" and admit you might have been wrong to characterize a hacker, however successful, asking for financial help in the face of a very serious legal battle as "seriously wrong".

If the family has a decision in what happens to the dead body they might try to delay the process as they grieve and as they try to come to terms with the body truly being dead, and this can hurt the likelihood of success for organ transplantation.

Grieve definitions


feel grief

See also: sorrow


cause to feel sorrow; "his behavior grieves his mother"

See also: aggrieve