Grandiloquence in a sentence as a noun

The grandiloquence of the slides was written with the tongue in the cheek.

And political bronzes are not art, they are at best political camping and grandiloquence.

> monotonically worse over timeAn orthogonal interrogation of course, but I pontificate: does specificity truly monotonically increase by specification of some gradient being monotonic, making the modifier "monotonically" not merely monotonically increasing with grandiloquence?

Under normal situations, on normal topics, I have no reason to talk with them at length and grandiloquence is unjustified....At least part of the problem here is that in the crazy mirror land of the blackmarkets and Bitcoin in general, sanity is hard to distinguish from insanity, there really are key bits of information random parties can have, not everyone talks straight, blackmail does payoff, and there really are hidden millionaires & billionaires walking around in plain sight.

Grandiloquence definitions


high-flown style; excessive use of verbal ornamentation; "the grandiosity of his prose"; "an excessive ornateness of language"

See also: grandiosity magniloquence ornateness rhetoric