Gradient in a sentence as a noun

Finally, had Stalin been not named Stalin how else would one have StalinGrad, a derived tool for gradient based optimization. Its worth it many times over just for that pun.

He must be on the interstate, judging from the road gradient we can hear. - Dick joins from his laptop, where the microphone is conveniently part of the same physical device as the keyboard.

Zen comes only from knowing when it is time to ascend the gradient, there to find new descending vistas that made the old valley look like a mountain! would that all problems were so conveniently convex.

Again, you don't have to worry about meshing or gradient descent or how to put least squares into matrix form. Just write the high-level math and let Mathematica worry about the rest.

Consumption can lead to serious heart problems due to disruption of the calcium gradient across cell membranes.

In reality it is a gray gradient space, and when the reader starts off knowing nothing, that gray is many times superior. Anyways, awesome job, I really want to see more of this writing style in publications like personal blogs.

Without any form of crossover, it's just hill-climbing/gradient-descent, it's not really a "genetic algorithm". 2.

The Seebeck effect only works with a temperature gradient, the flashlight will begin to heat up when held and the Peltier will produce less power. The next step is to add a heat sink and fan to maintain a temperature gradient for operation longer than 20mins.

Misclassification as a function is the worst nightmare, non differentiable, nonconvex, with huge swaths of zero gradient. So what do people in machine learning do, bound it on top by a well behaved function and optimize that function.

Machine learning is conceptually much simpler than one would guess; both gradient descent and the shallow-neural network type; and in fact it is actually pretty simple to get basic things to work. I agree with the author that the notation, etc, can be quite intimidating vs what is "really going on".

The only real "deep" learning here is that they used a GPU library and stochastic gradient descent to perform Q-learning updates on a network with 3 large hidden layers. It was an interesting application paper, but I suspect that the Google acquisition is for something more novel than this work.

Heres an example video:" ------- "The standard gestures dont help, requiring many in-from-the-edge swipes that not only arent discoverable" "After waiting over a minute for the machine to boot and launch the mail app, I got a blank gradient screen. User interface 101: if the app needs to be set up on the first launch, offer to do that, please.

The canvas element is only used on Chrome as it has a hard time rendering animations above a big CSS radial-gradient. The whole animation is just using DOM elements, CSS transitions/animations and requestAnimationFrame.

There are a large gradient of views here, and on one extreme are the bigots who hate homosexuals and on the other there are people who simply have hangups about the word "marriage" vs "civil unions." As far as I know Brendan has never articulated his opinions on the matter, they have just been extrapolated from a $1,000 donation.

Then, even within "garbage collection", you've got a gradient; you may see a language like Rust with mostly deterministic memory management, but with an easy call-out to GC if you need it. You may see a language like Perl, with relatively consistent finalization as soon as an unshared reference leaves a scope, or you may see something that only collects during sweeps.

Using flat design trends gets you to some sort of product design quicker than if you're spending 20 minutes crafting a 5-color gradient to emulate the perfect lighting of a semi-glossy aluminum rod for your button texture. No, I am not saying that by simply using "flat" design trends you are able to bypass all processes and thinking surrounding good whitespace, grouping, contrast, alignment, typography, usability, etc.

This is why family games have a gradient to them, gradually trading chances for decisions, and gradually expanding the state space, until the game player is ready to join the adults fully with something like Scrabble in the early teens or so. The mentioned Connect 4, for instance, is relatively simple and can be effectively "solved" by an 8 or 9 year old, for instance, so a 8yo and an adult are still not separated by such a large gulf that the game is a joke.

Gradient definitions


a graded change in the magnitude of some physical quantity or dimension


the property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the horizontal; "a five-degree gradient"

See also: slope