Graded in a sentence as an adjective

Imagine what high school would be like if the popular kids graded exams.

"Imagine what high school would be like if the popular kids graded exams.

But you're not graded on the quality, you're graded on the quantity.

" The fact your manager recognizes the term should be telling... Remember, managers get graded on how well they appear to their peers in stack ranking.

The people actually doing the work are graded by their managers, and in very few cases are managers formally reviewed by their employees.

The materials/lecturers are amazing even if you never have your assignments graded.

Specifically, I graded a take-home midterm exam where 3 students handed in the same bizarrely wrong answer.

See, age is an issue for smooth-talking sales douches, because every career accomplishment in their world gets harshly age-graded, but shouldn't be in ours.

So not long after I came here, we started a ranking program that graded on a curve: 45% into the overperforming group, 50% into the performing group, and 5% into the underperforming group.

However, I never got any other useful feedback on my essays; the facts were correct, the arguments were logical enough, they were to the expected length, they just got graded poorly.

But the prof also made it clear via both a bit of text and a bit of subtext that we were getting so graded because nobody really takes the old stuff that seriously anyhow, so there's no sacred oxes getting gored.

I've thought of starting something similarly one-track, favourites being "over-obvious ND grad filters in film" or "non-circular lens vignettes done badly in post through the ages" or "10 worst skies graded without highlight rolloff" ^_^

Graded definitions


arranged in a sequence of grades or ranks; "stratified areas of the distribution"

See also: ranked stratified