Goop in a sentence as a noun

"This gobbly goop will help them build websites.."

Right now plastic is the most popular, but who knows, maybe someday it will be "goop".

It's fine since all the detailed goop is at the implementation level.

"Oh well, better than Hickey functors" was a justification for a lot of Gang-of-four pattern goop in my C++ code.

Hmm, delicious cheeseburger or tasteless goop in a can?

If `go get` was good enough as you intended to say why do we have `godep, godeps, gom, gondler, goop, vendorize, party, gpm` and many more?

I'm not sure if anyone is so binary with their food that they will only give themselves a choice between an exquisite meal or powdered, bland goop.

> Delicious unhealthy cheeseburger or a tasteless but healthy goop in a can?I choose -- false dichotomy.

Ruby was designed as utility goop for Japanese programmers.

This sort of event-based approach just intrinsically scales poorly as program size increases, even with all the grease and goop you can muster up in a language that has closures.

If we had evolved to consume our nutrients as a puree then we'd have mouth parts, like flies who squirt digestive juices onto their food and then suck up the partially-digested goop.

Since Java is so simple and so lacking in abstraction mechanisms compared to almost anything else, you end up writing FactoryFactories and all the facades and all that code goop just to get any sort of halfway decent abstraction out of the language.

Goop definitions


any thick, viscous matter

See also: sludge slime gook guck gunk muck ooze


street names for gamma hydroxybutyrate

See also: soap scoop