Goggle in a sentence as a verb

The most elaborate of these rigs was a goggle with cameras, LCD shutters and 50% mirrors.

The Snow version is even more impressive as it clips into a number of goggles, as opposed to require you purchase the googles from them.

I also enjoyed their Indigo workstations, which included a 3D stereo goggle viewport.

It looks like goggle manufactures have to explicitly support this add-on, but it's a great way to engage a user-base without having to compete with the established players.

The kit, as described in the thread where Carmack and Palmer first interacted in public, was to be a display, display-controller, and some sort of ski-goggle based contraption you could put together.

If i happen to purchase an app on goggle play and say I'm using my home wifi to install it since I value my bandwidth their still getting 25%?I get goggle making money but a carrier who doesn't do jack making money?

It won't automate an unknown search, but if you know the first thing you're going to want is the Wikipedia entry you just search ["binary tree" !w]; for related StackExchange questions ["binary tree" !so]; you can even do a straight goggle search ["binary tree" !g].

Goggle definitions


look with amazement; look stupidly

See also: gape gawp gawk