Goddam in a sentence as an adjective

And I am pretty goddam sure that those of this guy hurt pretty damn hard too.

If you're going to risk your life and freedom hacking things; make it worth your goddam time.

And the last goddam thing I needed was some ******* sneering about how much worse it could be.

I got a replacement back and it's fine again, but I made goddam sure not to drop it again.

Goddam in a sentence as an adverb

" Every Odessian teenager heard her famous "For those putzs who schmooze Russian in a goddam lame way: drop by and listen to mine!

OSX is full of this sort of rubbish - I can't count the number of times I've moused over to the right side of the screen to scroll a window, only to start moving the whole goddam thing instead.

I know of cases in my college where students counterfeited $20 bills as a drunk joke: what they found out is that irrespective of the amount federal agents and the goddam CIA got involved and they got persecuted to the maximum degree.

This is not hard: non-Asian minorities are overwhelmingly more likely to be really-goddam-poor than whites and Asians and are much more likely to score like **** on the signaling tests that are your ticket to the upper-crust-signaling environment of a Yale.

Goddam definitions


expletives used informally as intensifiers; "he's a blasted idiot"; "it's a blamed shame"; "a blame cold winter"; "not a blessed dime"; "I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing"; "he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool"; "a deuced idiot"; "an infernal nuisance"


extremely; "you are goddamn right!"

See also: goddamn goddamned