Gnarly in a sentence as an adjective

" LaTeX is a full-strength gnarly language because it had to be.

Wordpress' unit test suite was just too gnarly to get running with our test harness.

* Figure out what it kinda sorta needs to be under the covers* Write prototypes of the technically gnarly bits.

Sometimes you can get the sense of being on the verge of something big--but the gnarly difficulty lies in bringing it down from the abstraction.

You need help from a lot of people and if you don't have the ability to force them to prioritizing helping you in this gnarly task, they probably won't.

But this whole discussion is gnarly enough already without further complicating it by adding race issues into the mix.

If not— well the math to make those proofs efficient is really N levels deep of really gnarly abstract algebra and cryptographic assumptions.

It is throwing in complicated inject calls, blocks, a really gnarly block of code that no programmer with any style would ever write, and other oddities.

Then it becomes a mess, the dba quits, you go back to an ORM, have some weird issue like this Rails bug happen, then someone says, "Hey, what about using raw SQL...we'll just make the gnarly bits into stored procedures..."Circle of life, man.

>Making any of the world's poorest countries richer in general, or making any of the world's most oppressed countries freer in general, is [...] a much tougher and more interesting problem, a problem more worthy of a gnarly man willing to risk his lifeInvolving yourself in foreign politics is no substitute for going to Mars.

If you are a DBA selling tuning services to help companies re-write gnarly queries for example, well, unless a slow performing query/process is directly impacting revenues in some way, it likely is a secondary priority in devops/support where budgets are tight and learn to live with it is becoming a way of life.

Making any of the world's poorest countries richer in general, or making any of the world's most oppressed countries freer in general, is a problem for which some example solutions exist, just as traveling to other planets has some precedent in the manned moon missions and in robot space probes, but I suggest it is actually a much tougher and more interesting problem, a problem more worthy of a gnarly man willing to risk his life.

Gnarly definitions


used of old persons or old trees; covered with knobs or knots; "gnarled and knotted hands"; "a knobbed stick"

See also: gnarled knotted knotty knobbed