Glum in a sentence as an adjective

" She got all glum and said "Yeah.

Throw in unemployment, and the picture is doubly glum.

I'm glad our generation is getting "mad as ****" rather than depressed and glum.

There are two ways that argument fails for me, if this stuff is going to be a huge enabler, why is the article so glum?

If it's a glum sign for Apple that China has lost interest and that they still sold 10+m devices, I'm sure they won't be too upset.

It seems people will fervently argue a side no matter how glum/impractical/uneconomical the situation is.

Maybe I'm just a hippy at heart, but that $185k really rubs me the wrong way. It's a step back to the bad old days of broadcasting licenses that only big companies can afford to buy and given the stagnation of old media that makes me a bit glum.

Crikey that's glum.\nLive coding is developing vibrant communities of practice, and finding large audiences.

Speculation that the person had a hunch they were about to get sick and figured, "what the heck, might as well get to the US where they'll save me... it's kinda glum here in Liberia anyways?

I've thought about this a fair bit since I gained my own interest in AI, and for me its answered thus: Because science, in general, is pretty glum about intelligence - in that there is no definition for it, and its not very well understood at all.

The history of experiments on human minds is pretty grisly too. \nGiven plenty of reasons to believe the acceleration of technical progress won't lead to blissful happiness, and the tendency for blissful happiness to be a dull storyline anyway, why wouldn't SciFi continue to be glum about AIFor all the article's comments about the "mindboggling" potential of Moore's law, my word processor looks about the same as it did nineteen years ago, and computers still suck at simple games like Go that, unlike chess, can't be brute forced.

Glum definitions


moody and melancholic


showing a brooding ill humor; "a dark scowl"; "the proverbially dour New England Puritan"; "a glum, hopeless shrug"; "he sat in moody silence"; "a morose and unsociable manner"; "a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius"- Bruce Bliven; "a sour temper"; "a sullen crowd"

See also: dark dour glowering moody morose saturnine sour sullen