Glimmer in a sentence as a noun

While refreshing the app I saw a glimmer of hope.

As long as Google was federating, there was that glimmer of hope that things might change.

As jaded as I am on altruism and human nature, this post gives me a slight glimmer of hope.

I'm not a lawyer, but I wonder if this might offer a faint glimmer hope for the software industry.

So there are a lot of Americans straining their eyes for a glimmer of salvation.

The software industry is heading in very bad directions, and this is at least a glimmer of hope.

Glimmer in a sentence as a verb

Oh no, something is showing the slightest glimmer of working, it must immediately be a bubble!

Its still in the process of being sold in exchange for the glimmer of hope that we might one day join the glorious EU and its "reasonable" interest rates.

I believe so - most students are going to experience a reality crash within a first 2 weeks anyway,so a glimmer of hope at the beginning would not hurt.

Any approach amounting to "just ******* do it" is going to last only as along as that little glimmer of resolve lasts, which is obviously short term.

There's one slim glimmer of hope here: It suggests that the threat of union action would be similarly disruptive and that a concerted action on the part of employees would in fact tend to succeed.

Glimmer definitions


a flash of light (especially reflected light)

See also: gleam gleaming


a slight suggestion or vague understanding; "he had no inkling what was about to happen"

See also: inkling intimation glimmering


shine brightly, like a star or a light

See also: gleam