Glaucoma in a sentence as a noun

Take glaucoma eye drops that shrink one's pupils for 8-12 hours.

My parents are in their late 70s, Dad's got glaucoma.

Damn you glaucoma, thou art a vile affliction.

Think along the lines of $500+ worth of glaucoma prescriptions in a month that insurance only covered $5 of....yes, $5.

I do still go for an eye exam every couple of years, mainly to keep an eye out for glaucoma, which may run in my family a bit.

As someone with one eye, severe retinopathy, glaucoma, and an artificial lens, news like this excites me to no end - not for me, of course.

This not being a causal study, I wonder if higher coffee consumption is linked to other factors that may or may not cause glaucoma... say, computer work.

" Of course they are, because people who take insulin are probably diabetic, and glaucoma is a common complication of diabetes.

Is it physical like someone who suffers from carpal tunnel syndrome or glaucoma overcoming their disability?

So if you genetically modified my grandma to cure her glaucoma using corporate intellectual property, then they'd own a human being, right?

This is a great article, but how can you mitigate the abuse of the system by people who just want to smoke weed and complain of headaches or glaucoma?I'm all for easing the pain of people who have real pain issues, but it's abundantly clear people are abusing the system.

Glaucoma definitions


an eye disease that damages the optic nerve and impairs vision (sometimes progressing to blindness); "contrary to popular belief, glaucoma is not always caused by elevated intraocular pressure"