Ghostwriter in a sentence as a noun

Why wouldn't they just hire a ghostwriter instead?7.

If he's got a ghostwriter, it's the same ghostwriter every time.

What's a "great" writer, other than a writer who works on his own ideas, and why can't a "great" writer be a ghostwriter?

I believe the "male" writer is actually Grandin's ghostwriter.

Generally, I would expect ghostwriters to want to keep a low profile which makes it hard to be independent.

In my post-college lull, I was once in a major financial bind and ended up doing a brief stint as an academic ghostwriter.

You seem to be saying the ghostwriter is a Chinese person living in China, but she wrote, "I’m a second-generation Korean American.

Ghostwriting in the everyday world is accepted, indeed it's not uncommon to see a ghostwriter's name alongside the putative author's name on the book's cover.

" That looks to me like two professors of psychology were hacked off that they weren't getting as much attention as the originators of the deliberate practice research, so they decided to hire a ghostwriter to help them write a popular book.

Or what about biographer, columnist, composer, creator, essayist, ghost, ghostwriter, ink slinger, journalist, originator, playwright, poet, producer, prose writer, reporter, scribbler, scribe, scripter, word slinger, wordsmith, work-for-hire, writer?Is amazon going to take all of them?

Ghostwriter definitions


a writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else

See also: ghost