Gerrymander in a sentence as a noun

This can be made worse still with a gerrymander electorate.

They want these skewed boundaries to keep power, so as long as they have power, they will continue to gerrymander.

A successful gerrymander is a product of packing AND cracking.

And that the Republicans would like to gerrymander the electoral college like they have the House.

* We don't show up for the primaries, where the candidate who is going to win that gerrymandered district is selected.

Is there a way to gerrymander the state to give advantage to one political party over another?

Much of the so-called "gerrymandering" is required by the VRA, which this proposal would certainly violate.

Otherwise, it would be all too easy to gerrymander an election in Canada and end up in the same situation as the US.

A mathematically perfect gerrymander, which optimizes both, will allow a party to hold a state with a mere 26% of the vote.

Gerrymander in a sentence as a verb

That's like saying all the big political parties gerrymander, so gerrymandering is ok.

NC already has two damn gerrymandered democratic districts, it doesn't need to gerrymander any more.

That covers most of the mainstream religions, but I'm sure you could gerrymander your own personal belief system to avoid my definition.

* We don't show up in local and state elections, where the politicians are elected who draw the maps and gerrymander the congressional districts.

Let me guess: it's another example of GOP wishful-thinking, where it just happens to gerrymander away a lot of CA's electoral votes?/me checks article and looks at mapYep.

The only reason that the system hasn't succumbed to gerrymandering as badly as elsewhere is that district changes must be prompted by a change in the number of provincial seats from the census.

But one candidate's gerrymander is another's fair dismiss it all as a big conspiracy controlled by indefeatable evil interests is to practice the worst kind of intellectual ambivalence.

American devotion to more proportional representation is and always has been somewhat qualified: the "gerry" in "gerrymander" remembers a signer of the Declaration of Independence...

Gerrymander definitions


an act of gerrymandering (dividing a voting area so as to give your own party an unfair advantage)


divide unfairly and to one's advantage; of voting districts