Geography in a sentence as a noun

Are you serious?I work with grown ups. Men and women of every age, background, and geography.

Many of us are held hostage by geography-- maybe you own a home, maybe you have kids in a school they're flourishing in, maybe your parents need help.

Venice owed its power in the medieval period largely to geography.

I'm pitched by recruiters about once a week, and they're all for far away positions - typically SF area, but other areas too. I can't sell my house any time soon - the market just isn't moving - so I'm somewhat held hostage by geography.

Minnesota, as a matter of state policy, is strongly promoting wind energy, fitting the wind-swept prairie geography of much of the state.

A peculiarity of local geography is that we find that the two Costco stores at our end of the Twin Cities metropolitan area are just never on our way to anywhere else, so we let our Costco membership lapse after just one year.

Geography definitions


study of the earth's surface; includes people's responses to topography and climate and soil and vegetation

See also: geographics