Gentleness in a sentence as a noun

" If you are going to err, err on the side of gentleness.

There is no positive value - kindness, humor, gentleness in the program.

I'm sure it's not because of their inherent gentleness or sunny dispositions.

Telling people to give up because of money or some sort of gentleness to yourself or your family is alien to me. Maybe it's our harsh climate uphere.

Here's a few that I found: agreeableness, friendliness, friendship, gentleness, kindness, niceness.

They usually only bring it up when they're asked to give account for the reason they have hope, and they do it with gentleness and respect.

"More than machinery we need humanity; More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness.

Making "Joe" feel welcome and a part of the creative process requires measures of patience, kindness, gentleness and mentorship.

"Please keep that fact - that the CA system is, as I put it with all the gentleness and politeness it deserves, "******* broken" beyond any repair - in mind.

If done right, it can add great value to code especially, if the author has the last word and we coders develop the gentleness of the best fiction editors.

The point is that it always brings love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, etc, which are universally good things that we all desire deep down.

You and many others, both strangers and colleagues, have reminded me that my personal journey in humility and gentleness is far from complete.

Churches usually promote selflessness, sacrifice, honesty, gentleness, and sincere love.

So I'm trying to incorporate "gentleness" and humor into how I promote the causes I care about and how I talk about these potentially very serious problems.

Coupled with beautiful hand-drawn animation and an overall sense of gentleness and wander, it's been an real favorite for me which I enjoy watching time over time.

Gentleness definitions


the property possessed by a slope that is very gradual

See also: gradualness


acting in a manner that is gentle and mild and even-tempered; "his fingers have learned gentleness"; "suddenly her gigantic power melted into softness for the baby"; "even in the pulpit there are moments when mildness of manner is not enough"

See also: softness mildness